Sunday, December 25, 2016

Cell biology & exocytosis

While pondering how exocytosis works, it occurred to me that "Intersections of magnetic parabolas" potentially explains this phenomenon.

If the overall macro-molecular construct of the cytoplasm/protoplasm, referring to the internal "charge" of the cell within its membranes reaches a point where the synthesis or breakdown (anabolic/catabolic) reactions becomes non-homeostatic, the cell's pressure might push a vacuole to the edge allowing material to escape the pressure.

While that can occur in isolation (within a single cell's walls), there would also be a macro-effect of multiple cells' "charge" that affects a single cell.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Mathematics of energy and 1800s decisions

What is light?  No one knows, yet the "laws" of mathematics and physics treat all energy as equivalent.  It originates with the "conservation of momentum" which appears to be a valid "law".

All mathematical formulas describing energy derive from Newton's kinetic formula kg*m/s^2.  Was it not presumptuous to rewrite the rules of mathematics based on mid-1800s science?  "Conservation of energy" was a mid-1800s assumption on an extension of momentum.  Today, physicists are still arguing over Maxwell, Poisson, and Einstein.

Why is the solar constant expressed in W/m^2 and not in newtons? Watts is an expression of joules which is an expression of newtons with meters, so why is that not mathematically normalized?

Further, why were all the rules of mathematics governing energy rewritten in the mid-1800s?

Friday, March 14, 2014

What is an electron?

Is it the pocket of empty space formed between the intersections of magnetic parabolas in 3 dimensional space?

If the magnetic parabolas surrounding an atom or molecule shift, the electron will appear to disappear and instantly pop up in a different place.

Does that explain quantum mechanics' observed phenomena?

Monday, December 23, 2013

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Cleaning the world's oceans... one particle at a time.

"Trapping discrete particles in fluids" is a patent application from 2009 describing a way to identify and extract particles for environmental cleanup and nano-mining natural resources.
Aside from technical discussions, the idea of counting individual particles connotes a responsibility that requires global participation.

I am looking for corporate sponsorship in developing the technology and to begin policy discussions internationally.
Andrew Bransford Brown